BC Repair 100
BC REPAIR 100 is high quality water- resistant repair mortar based on Portland cement and crushed limestone aggregates. It can also be used for filling the crack up to a width of 4mm in the cone:rete surfaces.
Safety Considerations:
Safety aata sheets (SDS) are available from tne BCI Chemical industry. SDS Sheets are proviaed to nelp customers satisfy their own nandling, safety ana disposal needs and those that may be requires by locally applicable healtn and safety regulations. SDK Sheets are uprated regularly, therefore, please request and review the most current
/v\SD sheet before handling or using any product. Tnese are available from tne nearest BCI sales office.
Direction For Use:
The concrete surface must be sound, clean and free from dust, loose particles, oil, grease and any otner foreign matter. All loose particles and other contamination must be removed by any suitable mechanical means.
Primary Applications:
- Filling cracks, noles in tne concrete surfaces.
- Leveling un-even concrete surfaces.
- Can be applied in both interior and exterior applications.
- Resistant to UV radiation and rain.
Packaging :
Available in 20 kg